We’re baaaack!

Hi all! This has been a long time coming. We’ve had many heart to hearts over the past couple years about captures&cocktails & what we wanted it to be. It’s hard to run a cocktail heavy website or instagram when the person behind the majority of the social media (Leah) is different than the person creating the cocktails (Jimmy). Add in the fact that the cocktail creator “hates” the behind the scenes of social media and it becomes even harder.

We felt “stuck”. We wanted to be able to post more than just cocktails but felt like we couldn’t. We’ve tried to find different balances and found different roadblocks. But then our lives, like most, changed drastically over the past year. With that, our priorities have changed & our thought process shifted. Life is too short to not do what you want. So – we’re going to do what we want.

We’ve shifted captures&cocktails to be “The Kwartas” – which is exactly who we are! You’ll find a bit of everything here – all of our passions. Sophie even has her own section because she deserves it. Photography, music, pets, traveling, cooking, and of course still captures&cocktails.

Family custom Artwork by @m2.duret
